Developer Documentation


Contributions are more than welcomed!

To get setup do the following;

mkvirtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3 django-teledex
git clone
cd django-teledex
pip install -r requirements/dev.txt

Note that you don’t have to use Python 3 and indeed tox tests for many versions of Python, but you may as well develop on it, what reason is there not to for such a small application?!

Running Tests

Once you’ve checked out you should be able to run the tests.


or, alternatively;

./ test


If you need to make modelling changes please run makemigrations so that the migration is included in your pull request.

./ makemigrations

Creating translations

Translations are welcomed! Please fork and then from the root

cd django_teledex
./../ makemessages -l [LOCALE-NAME]

Then, edit the translations in django_teledex/locale, then;

./../ compilemessages

Creating Documentation

cd docs
make clean html